From orbiting satellites to wheels touching down



Uncrewed Aerospace Systems Image II

Home to the second-most aviation jobs in the nation, “百年之州”提供了充足的飞行机会. As the industry continues to grow, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的航空和航天科学系(AVS)通过发展成为全国最大和最复杂的项目之一,重新设想了可能性,同时仍然是同类项目中最实惠的项目.

密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的航空项目以其卓越而闻名,这并不神秘. Our students have access to unrivaled resources no other university in Colorado can offer; such as the most innovative flight simulation training laboratories in the world, 一个校内卫星工程实验室,并与业界合作,使学生能够使用与NASA相同的先进技术和软件. 皇冠官网网站已经投资了价值4000万美元的技术,让皇冠官网网站的毕业生在工作的第一天就能腾飞.

皇冠官网网站与附近的航天承包商关系密切,包括约克航天系统公司, Lockheed Martin, Booze Allen Hamilton, Ball Aerospace, and Raytheon, 皇冠官网网站与日本波音公司等航空公司的长期合作关系, United Airlines, Envoy, Mesa Airlines, Air Wisconsin, 和共和航空公司的合作——为学生提供了不可思议的实习机会,为毕业生提供了就业机会. At MSU Denver, we have everything in place to ensure the best possible education in aviation and aerospace science; so, jump on board and watch your career take off.



Download Department & Degree Guide

United Aviate & MSU Denver Partnership

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Aerospace Operations Concentration

Aviation and Aerospace Management Major

Air Traffic Control Concentration (AT-CTI)

Aerospace Systems Engineering Technology (IDP)

Aerospace Physics (IDP)

Uncrewed Aerospace Systems (IDP)

Advanced Manufacturing - Aerospace

Airport Management Certificate

Space Commercialization Certificate

Unmanned Aerial Systems Certificate

Introduction to Spaceflight Operations Non-Credit Option

Career Launchpad

Dr. TJ De Cino Memorial Fund

Dr. Thomas James“TJ”De Cino作为MSU Denver航空航天系统实验室主任,致力于高等教育和航空航天领域的教学实验室和模拟技术平台的设计. As a tenured professor at MSU Denver, TJ致力于20多年的实践,以确保学生能够成为终身学习者,并在他们的行业成功的顶部. TJ也是一名飞行员,他喜欢驾驶他的塞斯纳飞机在美丽的科罗拉多州飞行. 他还喜欢在户外远足、骑自行车、钓鱼和划船. Dr. 德奇诺在将航空和航天科学系发展到今天的过程中发挥了至关重要的作用.

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Campus Address:

Aviation and Aerospace Science Department
Metropolitan State University of Denver
1250 7th Street – Seventh Street Classroom
Campus Box 30
PO Box 173362
Denver, Colorado 80204