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Ever notice the way a child’s face lights up after learning something new?

You could experience that on a daily basis by becoming a teacher.

The Department of Special Education, 幼儿教育和文化和语言多样化教育侧重于职业准备和现实世界的经验. 皇冠官网网站的学生在小班教学中学习,由经验丰富的教师授课,并花费大量时间在课堂上观察和教学,以便他们在课程中学习的理论可以直接应用于课堂上的学生. 你是否决定通过成为一名特殊教育教师来专注于支持残疾学生, 想学习策略和技能来支持来自不同文化和语言背景的学生吗, 或者想专注于幼儿教师的职业,这样你就可以在学龄前儿童学业发展的关键时期培养他们, our program will help you achieve your goals. 

没有什么工作比帮助皇冠官网网站的孩子完成他们智力发展的第一步更有意义或更重要了. Earning your teaching license won’t be easy. However, over time, 你将发展必要的知识和意识,以支持教育的需要 all students. By joining the Department of 特殊教育、幼儿教育以及文化和语言多样化教育, 你毕业后将成为一名教育工作者,你的技能将对你的学生的生活产生持久的影响. Whichever path you choose, you’ll graduate from MSU Denver equipped to succeed.

Our Programs

皇冠官网网站为对特殊教育感兴趣的各个层次的学习者提供各种各样的课程, early childhood education and culturally and linguistically diverse education. Please browse our program options below.






Programs in Special Education

Whether you are seeking a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, a license to teach special education, a certificate in autism and significant support needs, an added endorsement for your existing teacher’s license, or you are simply interested in coursework in the field of special education, we have an option for you!

Special Education Undergraduate Programs (major, minor)

特殊教育专业的学生参加课程和实地体验工作,为他们在各种K-12教育环境中教授残疾人做准备.  成功完成该学位课程的考生将获得科罗拉多州特殊教育通识师(K-12)初始教师执照的推荐.

We also offer a minor in Special Education, 对于那些仍在探索职业选择的本科生和那些希望获得在学校教学以外的职业中与不同学习者合作所必需的技能的人来说,哪一个是一个很好的选择.

Select the program tiles below to learn more.

Special Education Post-Baccalaureate Programs (licensure, added endorsement)


目前在其他领域获得教师执照的本科学位或后学士学位课程注册的学生也可以选择完成特殊教育的额外认可课程,这样他们就可以在完成课程时获得多重认可.  对于目前持有执照的教师来说,这也是一个很好的计划,他们希望将这个背书添加到他们的执照上. This is a state-approved added endorsement program.

Select the program tiles below to learn more.

Special Education Graduate Programs (major, certificate)

教育学院的教学艺术硕士(MAT)课程提供特殊教育的专业.  该课程的毕业生将获得特殊教育通才(K-12)初始教师执照的推荐,并获得硕士学位.

此外,皇冠官网网站还提供自闭症和重大支持需求的研究生水平证书课程.  This is a great certificate for any licensed or pre-service teacher, and the courses you complete will also count toward our 课程教学教育硕士-包容性实践专注!

Select the program tiles below to learn more.

Programs in Early Childhood Education

皇冠官网网站提供以幼儿教育(ECE)为重点的各种本科课程。.  寻求本科学位的学生可以主修ECE,并选择教师执照或早期教育专业, or they can choose to declare a minor in ECE.

For those who have already completed a bachelor’s degree, 您可以通过完成皇冠官网网站的学士学位后ECE教师执照计划成为一名有执照的ECE教师.

Select the program tiles below to learn more.

皇冠官网网站还提供满足科罗拉多州ECE主任资格要求的课程 speak with one of our advisors to learn more!

Programs in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education

文化和语言多样性(CLD)教育已成为教师的必需品.  皇冠官网网站的国家批准的附加认可计划是对任何教师执照(过去)的伟大补充, present or future).

Are you a Spanish-speaker?  也许你应该考虑皇冠官网网站国家批准的西班牙文化和语言多样化双语(CLDB)教育专家K-12额外认可计划, 这将导致科罗拉多州CLD双语补充背书的推荐.

职前教师:你可以参加这些背书项目的课程以及你的初始执照项目课程,一旦你完成了你的初始执照项目,你就可以获得额外背书的推荐(明智的举动), if you ask us)!

此外,皇冠官网网站还为学校教育工作者提供双语教育专家证书.  该证书课程为教授西班牙-英语/英语-西班牙双语学生提供额外的专业知识.

Select the program tiles below to learn more.

Meet our Elementary Special Education, Early Childhood and CLD Faculty

Headshot photo of Dr. Kathy Whitmore

Dr. Kathy Whitmore

Professor of Early Childhood Education, Department Chair

[email protected] 303-615-1777 Full Profile
Headshot photo of Dr. Rosemarie Allen

Dr. Rosemarie Allen

Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education

[email protected] 303-615-0113 Full Profile
Headshot photo of P. Charlie Buckley.

Dr. Pamela Charlie Buckley

Associate Professor of Special Education

[email protected] 303-615-1944 Full Profile
Headshot photo of Dr. Rebecca Canges

Dr. Rebecca Canges

Professor of Special Education

[email protected] 303-615-0251 Full Profile
Headshot of Dr. Jeanne Connelly

Dr. Jeanne Connelly

Assistant Professor of Special Education

[email protected] 303-605-7564 Full Profile
School of Education logo on blue background.

Ivan Espinosa Orozco

Lecturer of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education

[email protected] Full Profile
Headshot of Dr. Brandon Gilbert

Dr. Brandon Gilbert

Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education

[email protected] 303-605-7563 Full Profile
Headshot photo of Dr. Kara Halley

Dr. Kara Halley

Professor of Special Education

[email protected] 303-615-0528 Full Profile
Headshot photo of Dr. Elmer Harris

Dr. Elmer Harris

Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education

[email protected] 303-605-7194 Full Profile
Headshot photo of Dr. Tina Herring

Dr. Tina Herring

Professor of Special Education

[email protected] 303-615-0566 Full Profile
Headshot photo of Lina Martin Corredor.

Dr. Lina Martin Corredor

Assistant Professor of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education

[email protected] 303-605-7565 Full Profile
Headshot photo of Dr. Dorothy Shapland

Dr. Dorothy Shapland

Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education

[email protected] 303-615-1175 Full Profile
Headshot photo of Dr. Michele Trujillo

Dr. Michele Trujillo

Associate Professor of Special Education

[email protected] 303-605-7197 Full Profile
Headshot photo of Dr. Peter Vigil

Dr. Peter Vigil

Professor of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education

[email protected] 303-615-1274 Full Profile
Headshot photo of Andrew Walton

Dr. Andrew Walton

Assistant Professor of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education

[email protected] 303-605-7932 Full Profile

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Campus Location
West Classroom Building, Suite 136

Mailing Address
Campus Box 21
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362